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Incarcerated Veterans

Mental Health and Recovery

Incarcerated Veterans

The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) provides services to veterans who are currently incarcerated within the State of Wisconsin, or who are under community supervision by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.

There are approximately 1500 veterans incarcerated in the State of Wisconsin Correctional System at any given time.

All inmates entering the correctional system are processed into the correctional system through three sites that serve as central reception centers in order to facilitate assessment and evaluation (A&E): Dodge Correctional (males), Taycheeda Correctional (females), Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility (MSDF) (males and females).

From these three institutions inmates are transferred to one of 18 other adult correctional facilities or may stay at one of the reception centers. In addition, there are 16 correctional centers, three of which house female inmates. These correctional centers are used to begin the transition process of an inmate back to society.

WDVA is responsible for conducting monthly visits in order to provide intake briefings to incarcerated veterans. These briefings are conducted at the Dodge facility for males and the Taycheeda facility for females.

WDVA’s program to aid incarcerated veterans provides services in the following categories:

Information. Upon request from an incarcerated veteran or family members, WDVA will provide information pertaining to eligibility, qualifications and entitlements pertaining to both federal and state veteran’s benefits.

Access. Upon request, WDVA may provide applications, or other appropriate forms or documentation, such as a certified report of separation with the veteran’s written authorization, to any veteran’s relative in order to file a claim on behalf of the veteran for state or federal benefits.

Assistance.  WDVA or your local County Veteran Service Office can provide assistance in appealing a less than honorable discharge in order to upgrade the discharge before a military corrections board, or to apply for a service connected disability or compensation with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

Advocacy. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Claim’s Bureau may assist any incarcerated veteran in advocacy on any claim, or in appealing an unfavorable decision on a claim.