Patriot Day – September 11
September 11th of each year is a day set aside by federal law as “Patriot Day,” in honor of the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the...
POW/MIA Recognition Day – Third Friday in September
Each year, the third Friday in September is set aside to honor the commitment and the sacrifices made by this nation's Prisoners of War and those who are still Missing...
Next Valentines Day Bash
g 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a...
Test Event with a Rather Long Name
Ascedia 161 South First Street, Milwaukee, WI, United StatesSuspendisse vehicula condimentum lobortis. Sed fringilla mi tortor, faucibus malesuada quam dignissim eget. Praesent commodo, justo eget laoreet pellentesque, nulla ante tristique tellus, in tristique turpis justo eget justo. Cras...
Fourth of July 2025
Donec metus ipsum, facilisis quis malesuada quis, aliquam quis tortor. Vestibulum consequat felis nunc, blandit condimentum quam imperdiet sed. Ut ut ex quam. Praesent varius lorem ut scelerisque luctus. Proin...